Off The Wall

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I just bit my tongue off.

Everyone's heard the phrase, 'Hold your tongue' or 'Bite your tongue'.  Well, I think I bit mine off.  I have to say, I've been in a fairly good mood since the trip to Hawaii.  But something happened yesterday that just set me off.  My immediate response was go off but I stopped just short.  I bit my  (Of course this is all figuratively speaking, as all this went on through an email.)  For the most part, I have let it go, but really, why do people push buttons that they know shouldn't be pushed.  It irks me.  For someone who has a problem with me being mad, this person sure does piss me off a lot.  Whatever, it doesn't matter....I went to HAWAII!!!!  :)

Quote of the Day:
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."


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