Off The Wall

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

OMG, It's Wednesday!!!

**Note: All Italic words should be said, either aloud or in your head, with a British accent.

It's Wednesday!!!! I leave for Hawaii on Saturday. I am now starting to enter a bit of a panic mode. I don't even know where to begin, to start, to begin to pack. And even though I know I should begin to pack or atleast make a list or something, will I do it? No. I will wait til Friday to try and get it done all in one day. In fact, the thought crossed my mind a bit earlier that I might go and indulge a $1.00 movie. Actually...correction....$1.50 movie. (Movie theaters are bloody money whores) A movie!? Am I kidding myself?? Go home and pack you freak! But I can't. I must wait until the last possible minute and then feverishly run around like a jooby goon that's hyped up on tylenol pm, vivarin, and kool-aid all at the same time. I won't be done packing until approx. 3:30am (noting that I have to leave at 4:30am) and get absolutely no amount of sleep. And the thought has now occured to me that instead of making a list, I'm typing in my blog. {shake of head} I'm going to try a make a list now.... and to get a spot of tea.

Quote of the Day:
"Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do."
-Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam


  • What??? You're going to Hawaii?
    Who are you going with? I am so jealous. The last cruise that I went on was like 3 years ago and I stayed up all night long packing and cleaning the house and when Anna came to the door to get me I was all fried and staring straight ahead.....We drove to Galveston and I slept all the way there. I also missed the first day on the ship because I kept falling asleep!!

    By , at 9:12 AM  

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