Off The Wall

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Flower Girl

Posted by Hello

I was thinking about my wedding. And when the day comes that hell has frozen over, I have determined that I will have an actual flower girl go down the isle before me. Actually, I maybe should rephrase and call her a 'Girl Flower'. Please humor me, as I give you a lucid and reasonable explination for this. I figure, that the time I get married, I will be old, ugly and crippled. Having a Girl Flower walk before me down the isle will, no doubt, get all the attention off of me and my cane (or depending how far in the future, my handicapped hoverboard). The Girl Flower would now be the one drawing all the attention, not to mention, the pointing, whispering and snickering as I go down the isle. Or atleast it would give me a reason to think that it is she and not I that is getting laughed at. So yes, it is now determined that at my wedding, I will have a Girl Flower. And we shall all have a great time spraying her with the water hose at the reception...

Quote of the Day:
"Loyalty is still the same,
Whether it win or lose the game;
True as a dial to the sun,
Although it be not shined upon."
-Samuel Butler


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