Off The Wall

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Does Money Grow On Trees?

Posted by Hello

Why is saving money so damn hard? I really thought that I'd have enough money saved up by now for Hawaii. I have 3 weeks and 3 days until I leave. I only get two more paychecks until then. That is going to leave me with a very limited amount of spending money. I was just sitting here daydreaming about a money tree. I'm thinking that it's quite possible that there is a money tree out there. If I went out searching for it, I might just find it. My luck, one day I would be way out in the ocean (on a yacht donated by someone who also believes there is a money tree and is willing to fund my travel, in trade for seeds from the money tree that I find) and in a frightening and massive storm my boat would stumble across an un-mapped island. I would dock my boat and run onto the island for safety and shelter from the menacing storm. In the bright flashes of lightning, I would see a strong sturdy tree with a large canopy of foliage to block the rain and wind. I would curl up under this safe-haven and ride the storm out. I would eventually fall asleep and once again dream of finding this money tree that I am in search of. The following morning I would awake to bright sunlight in my eyes. Realizing the storm had passed, I would get up, dust myself off and turn around to check out the scenery of this island I had come upon. To my great surprise, I would turn to see that the safe-haven that I had depended on to shield me from the storm was indeed the 'holy grail' of my particular journey. There it would stand, the Great Money Tree! The thick foliage, that I had assumed were leaves, were $20s and $50s and $100s!!! I would begin to do a dance (which would be a well choreographed routine that I had taught myself on the long journeys of the boat for when I did find the money tree). After my little jig, which would put Wade Robson to shame and have him begging me to teach him how to dance, I would scream at the top of my lungs, 'I FOUND IT!!!' and with a delightfully evil laugh would run back to the tree to grab as much money as I could. Halfway back to the tree I would stop in mid-stride. I would do a quick look-back through my memory and realize that in all the running around and celebrating of the finding of the money tree, I never saw my boat. My boat would be gone. The storm would have decimated it into a million pieces and carried off by the tide. I would then let out a blood curdling scream, 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo' as I realized that I was stranded on an un-mapped island with nothing but the stupid money tree.

Quote of the Day:
"All progress is based upon a universal, innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income." --Samuel Butler


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