Off The Wall

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

My First Blog...

Okay, well, I'm either really bored at work or thought I would jump on to the next new Internet craze...Weblogs. I have to say, I've found a couple of Weblogs that are really very interesting and funny. I'll have to admit, I don't foresee my 'blog' being all that intersting or hilarious to many other people. But, nonetheless, I am going to give this new craze a try. Heck, if anything, I can atleast come here and vent and get things off my mind. Actually I say this is a new Internet craze but these blogs have been around for a while now. I guess I should rephrase and say 'new to me'. Well, seeing as I leave work in 30 minutes, I will start tomorrow with webloging my thoughts and ideas. For now I just want to post this paragraph and see what it looks like.

Until next time...


  • This kind of reminds me of the "Deep Thoughts" thing they used to do on Saturday night live. Those crack me up!! And the wax fruit joke made me laugh pretty hard! :)

    By , at 2:04 PM  

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