Off The Wall

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Just A Side Note

I have already received a few comments back from people (some of which I have accidentally deleted...oops) and so far all of them have been posted by Anonymous. If you really want to be anonymous that's fine. But I'd like to know who's leaving the comments. Please sign your name at the end of the comment, cause that just spurns a whole new level of curiosity in my head. And you can probably tell by the site that I already has enough idiosyncracies going on in my head. Anyway, just wondering who left the comments. Keep'em coming...Thanks! :)


I don’t get some people. A lady just came in the library. I got up to help her, walked to the desk where she was standing. We made eye contact and a fake, yet pleasant smile. I asked her, ‘Can I help you?’ She responded with, ‘Yes.’ That’s it, just yes. ??? After an awkward and seemingly long silence (ya know, the kind where you can hear the clock ticking and crickets chirping?), I had to ask her what I could help her with. Surprisingly, this happens more often than it should. Is it anywhere in the realm of possibilities that, when one asks ‘can I help you’, that you be compelled to enlighten them about what exactly they can help you with?? I’m also wondering how long the awkward silence would have gone on had I not asked her what I could help her with. With some of our students, I could have been there for days. I just don’t get some people.


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