Off The Wall

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Happy Birthday to an old friend

Hola Everyone. Let me just start out by saying Happy Birthday to an old friend of mine. I hope he has a great day.

Well, I have to say, so far, this weblog thing is pretty fun. I've realized I can type about anything that I want. Whatever comes to mind no matter how off the wall it is. While I have a whole host of topics that come to mind (yes, I've started making a list), I would like to put out there that I am willing to take ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to comment on any post and bring up any topic that you would like to discuss (no matter how off the wall). For those who know me, you know how I like to discuss everything. Feel free to get one going.

Quote Of The Day:
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.

Everyone knows how I feel about birds...Here is a link to a news story about birds who fly into skyscrapers at night when the lights are left on. Might I just say...Leave the Lights On!!!! Ugggg, birds. Gross.


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