Off The Wall

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Scary Things...

Pawn shops are scary to me. There is a pawn shop at the intersection right before I get on the highway near my work. I see this place everyday and everyday I stare at it as I am sitting and waiting for this forever long intersection light to change to green. Everyday I wonder, what is in a pawn shop? I've never been in one. I would assume that it is like a big garage sale for people who are too lazy to actually put together and hold a garage sale on their own. The place has bars on the windows, the building looks crummy, and let's just say the clientele do not grace the cover of Fortune magazine. I feel like if I were to take something to be pawned, I would be mugged outside before I could make it in to pawn my 1978 Atari game console with only one controller that has the little orange button missing. Scary.
I love the Carpet Monster. He sneaks up and gets people all the time. He especially likes to hide in the carpet right outside the window of my office that looks into the library. Hence, he just came up and got this lady walking by. She just nearly bit it face first into the carpet. Wow, that was a good one. Go, Carpet Monster, Go. Good Times.
This is just an odd, yet hilariously funny statement that I came across on the Internet.

"My wife always keeps a bowl of wax fruit around,
even though neither of us knows any mannequins."

Another that cracked me up...

"... I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo... in morse code..."

Quote For The Day:
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.


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