Off The Wall

Monday, June 14, 2004

Happy Monday

Hey Everybody! I hope everyone's weekend went well. Mine was pretty good. Saturday night I went to the IRL Race at Texas Motor Speedway. I had never been there before. Let me just say, this place is enormous!! It was awesome! It took the indy cars 19 seconds to get around the mile and a half long track! 19 seconds!! Wow. After the race we got to walk across the track and go down into the pits and see the cars close up. I took a lot of pictures and will post some as soon as I get around to getting the film developed.

Quote of the Day:
When one is happy, one can look at both comedy and tragedy with equanimity. --Phillip Lopate

Well, I'm finally about to leave work. Why is it that Monday's are soooo long?? Of course, the next month for me is going to be long cause I'M GOING TO HAWAII!!! (Sung in the tune of Will Smith's - Going to Miami) Ding Dong...6 o'clock....I'm outta here! Later!


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