Off The Wall

Friday, June 18, 2004

Where do I donate plasma?

Does this guy not look like a white P. Diddy?  Posted by Hello

Okay, so I have 3 weeks until Hawaii. I got paid today and I get one more check before I leave. That poses a problem. I'm thinking I should go donate blood and plasma as many times as I can and start auctioning off precious items (maybe even a kidney) I own on eBay. I thought about trying to play the lotto (up to 145mm!) But I know that is probably just a waste of a dollar that I need to be hoarding for my trip. I also thought about standing on the corner and begging for money like many others do here around my work. But, if I try to look at this from the positive side (which I've been trying to do lately - keyword: trying) I should realize that the shortage of money will lead to no food for the next three weeks. This in turn will cause weightloss which I have actually been trying to acheive for the past few weeks with no avail. It's all cause I've been spending my money on food. So, in retrospect, I've been complaining and worrying and stressing myself out all for nothing. It just goes to show that everything will work itself out.

Quote of the Day:
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"


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