Off The Wall

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Today's Lists:

Things that Suck:

  1. Being cold at work.
  2. Jay Leno
  3. Boston Accents
  4. Birds in the ceiling
  5. Arby's 'Oven Mitt'
  6. Bad Friends
  7. Rangers Baseball
  8. Stuttering in front of a hot guy
  9. Nancy Grace
  10. People who dress up animals

Things That Don't Suck:

  1. Pizza
  2. Friends who understand your sense of humor
  3. Updating your iPod
  4. Getting $400 visa gift cards at work
  5. Working out
  6. Going on overnight road trips
  7. Dancing
  8. Going to the beach
  9. Having the upper hand & being the only one who knows it
  10. Phone conversations for more than 5 minutes with someone you love


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