Off The Wall

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Who would you choose?

Terri Schiavo's Death Process Posted by Hello

Well, I am sure that everyone has heard of this case. And I'm not one to get to political - well, actually I am, I just never talk about it with anyone very often. Anyway, after hearing the story and obviously having my own opinion about it, one question I am left with is 'Who would you rather choose your destiny - Your husband or your parents?'

If my parents were still alive whilst I was in that state, they obviously would want to have a say in what happens to me. But if I were to be married at that time, apparently my husband would be the only one to have a say in it, legally. For some people/marriages this could be a bad thing. In this day in time a lot of marriages are bad ones. The intent of some people in this world can be very questionable. Would you trust your husband to make the right decision for you? Would you trust your family to make the right decision for you?

I think this proves a strong point in the fact that we should all have living wills. This whole Schiavo case wouldn't even be an issue if, in fact, she had these decisions already made. Don't get me wrong, I am not placing blame on Terri Schiavo, I just feel the whole country would not have to watch her die and place this obviously emotional state on all of her family, had her wishes been published in a will.

Something I have done since I turned 18 was to update my will at every new year. It's not some big, long drawn out legal paper, in fact, I don't even have it noterized (although I should). But, my wishes are spelled out and things I want to leave people are ordered in this will. My sister knows where this will is and should anything happen to me, she knows to go and get it and carry my wishes out. Most anyone who knows me, knows my stance on life-support. But just in case, I have it written down. I think everyone should do this so that the question would never have to be asked, 'Who would you rather choose to decide if your life would end?' You would have the decision yourself. And personally, that's a lot more comforting.

For living will documents, you might check out the following links:


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