Off The Wall

Monday, October 18, 2004

Ratón Pequeño En Mi Casa

. Posted by Hello

There was a mouse in my house on Saturday. I screamed, I cried, and I almost wet my pants. I sat on the tip top of my couch for atleast 20 minutes while Alisha was on the phone trying to calm me down. I was a total drama queen...but I had good reason. I even freaked out and screamed when my shirt sleeve ever so slightly moved on my arm. I went to Walmart and bought one of every trap. I spent about 10 minutes on the aisle reading all the boxes. I even freaked out and got the heeby jeebies when a kid ran into me on that aisle. I got home and proceeded to carefully set up the traps (all the while, trying with all my might not to freak out and run back to my couch, which I am sad to say happened atleast five times). Finally I got the traps set up. I went to the kitchen and got a big bowl to set near me. I ended up standing outside my bedroom door watching this mouse for a hour, hunkered down and ready to trap him in my bowl if he came near me. This mouse was not having any of my traps. He would go up, snif them and try to run back out of my room. Then I would proceed to jump with the bowl and try and trap him. Upon failing, I would scream and run back to my couch. At one point I was even holding one of my crutches as protection from this monsterous beast. Finally, after spending way too much time trying to catch this mouse, I became angered that I was missing the Boston Red Sox game. So, I shut my bedroom door and stuffed a towel underneath it so the little bugger couldn't get out. Hopefully when the game was over he would have given in to the temptation for cheese (god knows I wouldn't be able to resist) and all would be solved. So Dara ends up calling me and totally makes fun of me and proceeds to tell me all kinds of horror stories about mice. She makes me go and check the traps while I am on the phone with her (so she can laugh at my girly drama queen scream). I didn't want to open the door and have the mouse run into the rest of my house, so I kicked the door before opening it in order to scare him away from the door if he wasn't in the traps. So i open the door and visually scan the room at all the traps and do not see the mouse. "Dang it", I replied. Then I proceed to look at the trap by the door AND THERE HE IS!!!! The little bugger had gotten caught in the sticky trap by the door. It looked like i probably scared him when i kicked the door cause his back leg was stuck and he was in running motion. I then screamed again and grabbed the phone and ran back to my couch. I proceeded to freak out and scream like a little bitch for about five more minutes and then called my dad to come and take care of the mouse.

I must say, it was a very interesting experience and I hope there are no more little baby mice anywhere else. But if so, don't worry...I can handle it like a mature adult.

Quote of the Day:
"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."


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