Off The Wall

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Moving Day - 2 Weeks Away

Well, I've got two weeks to pack. Ask me if I've started packing yet. No. No I haven't. I have enough crap in my teeny little apartment to pack for 3 weeks. Ask me how many boxes I have. Six. Six teeny little boxes. Ya know the kind that computer paper comes in. Yeah, six of those. I am the Queen of Procrastination. The idea of moving and being in a much bigger place thrills me. The idea of packing, however, not so much.

Where am I moving you ask? Well, nowhere of any great excitement. Just the next city over. I will however be closer to work. Which will be nice, cause I will be able to spend more of my lunch hour stuffing my face. Cause that's exactly what I need. I do wish I was moving somewhere far away though. It would be nice, atleast for a little while. I'm in that mood right now. The kind where you just want to move away and not come back. And no, I am not PMSing - Despite the popular belief that I am Always at that time of the month. In fact, I feel like I have been quite nice lately to everyone. Which makes the funk I am in that much worse. It's not so much the 'poor pitiful me' day as it is the 'I'm standing in a crowded room and feel alone' day. It's been one of those weeks that you feel you are putting out and getting nothing in return, in all facets of life. Anywho. Enough about that.

It's been a while since I've posted. Not sure why. It's not like I don't have the time at work. Maybe when I get to my new apartment I can get DSL and write an entry every night. Or maybe atleast every other night. We'll see...

Well, I have to go scout the building for more boxes. Ya know, so they can sit empty in my living room as I wait until the Wednesday before I move to start filling them. Ergo - Queen of Procrastination...


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