Off The Wall

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Today's Lists:

Things that Suck:

  1. Being cold at work.
  2. Jay Leno
  3. Boston Accents
  4. Birds in the ceiling
  5. Arby's 'Oven Mitt'
  6. Bad Friends
  7. Rangers Baseball
  8. Stuttering in front of a hot guy
  9. Nancy Grace
  10. People who dress up animals

Things That Don't Suck:

  1. Pizza
  2. Friends who understand your sense of humor
  3. Updating your iPod
  4. Getting $400 visa gift cards at work
  5. Working out
  6. Going on overnight road trips
  7. Dancing
  8. Going to the beach
  9. Having the upper hand & being the only one who knows it
  10. Phone conversations for more than 5 minutes with someone you love

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by ricechex1322.


Pretty Young Thing

. Posted by Hello

Is anyone as creeped out about the Michael Jackson thing as much as I am? Of course, you are. How could you not be. Did you hear the story about MJ licking some kid's head? WTF! Licking?!?! I used to use the work 'lick' in place of kiss in a sarcastic & derogatory sense. For instance, my brother-in-law, emphatically kisses my nephew all over his face when he sees him (which is rare) and later I always respond to someone who was there to witness it, "Does he have to lick him everytime he sees him?" I know longer feel that I need to use the word lick. After being completely disturbed by this story of MJ actually, really and truly licking some kid, and obviously out of sheer pleasure, this word now has to be relinquished from my vocabulary. And earlier today I was thinking about all the titles of MJ's songs. Some of them can be applied to his current situation and it's truly frightening.

  • Pretty Young Thing
  • The Way You Make Me Feel
  • Beat It
  • Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  • Human Nature
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Remember the Time
  • In the Closet
  • Give In To Me
  • Dangerous
  • Ben
  • With A Child's Heart
  • Too Young
  • Just A Little Bit of You
  • The Lost Children

I kid you not - These are all song titles from Michael Jackson's albums. Should we not have seen this coming?? Ooooo, I just got the willys.