Off The Wall

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Feliz Cumpleaños A Mí

birthday cake
Originally uploaded by ricechex1322.

Today is my 27th birthday. This birthday seems more like a milestone than my 25th did. 25 is mid-twenties. 27 is upper twenties. Say someone who doesn't know me asks someone how old I am. The response, as of today, is now, "Oh I don't know she's in her upper 20's." Yeah, I don't know about that. It feels so close to 30. And I do not want to be 30! I don't think I have ever really cared how old I am. I've always thought that age is a matter of how you feel. Now I realize that only old people say that.

I feel like I woke up today with a countdown clock ticking towards 30. It's like if I turn thirty and am still in the position of life that I am now, then that day will be D-day and I will be stuck forever.

The countdown is on. Cheers. Here's to the next three years to get my life together and start acting like a grown up.


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