Off The Wall

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Due to a soccer game last night (surprise, surprise), I was unable to watch the annual special of Barbara Walters' 10 Most Fascinating People. I have however read the list this morning and read various people's blogs about the show. I am completely and utterly baffled at the fact that Camilla Parker - Bowles was Barbara's choice for #1.

"Camilla's triumph may not be about taking on the world, but taking on one man. It is a triumph of patience and understanding that is seldom rewarded. So we're going to do that by choosing her as the most fascinating person of 2005."

If this is the reasoning behind the choice, then Every Woman on the Planet should be atop this list. Patiently and understandingly dealing with a man's battle to committ or openly give of his love - That's what women do. All women. Even as simple as men are; time, effort and understanding are a must in solidifying a relationship and can be quite tasking at times. To single one woman* out for this effort is absurd. Therefore, if we do indeed have to accept Barbara's choice for #1, I am ammending it to include all women who have been in a relationship with a man.

* - And of all women to choose as an example. Ugg. First of all, she is not fascinating, nor is her "heroics" of everyday women. She is Lady Diana's replacement. And let me say, not a good one. Sure, she had
Charles first, but is that anything to be proud of. I. mean. really. Gross. Plus she wears stupid hats.


  • as interesting as your point of view may be, the same can be said from this side of the plate. women may truly never understand how to deal with a man when he is giving of himself-completely. normally this is misunderstood as 'smothering', but it is perfectly fine for a woman to reject said 'simple' man and therefore discard any true and heartfelt feelings he may have as garbage. men and women will never truly understand each other, but there are still a few 'good ones' left on both sides.

    By , at 7:02 PM  

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