Off The Wall

Monday, August 29, 2005

Diddy. Can't. Dance.

Diddy Can't Dance
Originally uploaded by ricechex1322.

I watched the VMA's on MTV last night. I found it amazingly stupid at how cool Diddy (Not to be confused with Puff Daddy, Puffy or P. Diddy, but now - just Diddy) (The "P" was getting between him and his fans) thought he was. I thought he was a terrible host. To be quite honest, I thought the whole show sucked. They kept talking about 'surprises' and 'stay tuned, something cool is about to happen' yeah, nothing astounding ever happened. The dialogue between presenters was awful and most of the time didn't make sense. Most of the performances were boring. I do give credit to Kanye (who i don't particularly like), My Chemical Romance (who should have won an award), Shakira (who i didn't understand a word of), and Kelly Clarkson (who actually gave a performance of enthusiasm and seemed like she was happy to be there). They were the only thing I really enjoyed watching.

Shots to the crowd might as well have been clips to two old married people passed out snoring in the recliners with their tv dinners still in their laps and the tv blaring on some station that has turned to static.

Look Alive People! Look like you have survived yet another hurricane and have the wealth and popularity to party all night and give way to the wasted efforts of Mother Nature to destoy your evening.

The people were boring. The people on the stage, the MTV announcers, the people in the crowd. And I'll assume that the audience at home were bored as well. They might have even changed the channel and watched the rerun of Desperate Housewives.

The thing that just urks me the most is the notion that 'Diddy' kept implying that he could dance. And he just can't. He tries. It's not for lack of effort, just lack of skill. The stereotype has been broken. Of all the 'acomplishments' Diddy has acheived, breaking this stereotype is one I am not too sure he is proud of. But it's time he faces it. So, I'm sorry to say Diddy. You. Can't. Dance.


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