Off The Wall

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Real Fake Mashed Taters

. Posted by Hello

Remember instant mashed potatoes! We used to eat these all the time when I was a kid. I remember adding real fake bacon bits to it too! Ummm, so good. Way better than real potatoes. Well, atleast I thought they were when I was 8. Plus it was so much faster. I mean, when you're hungry, you're hungry. Ahhhh, good times.

Funny Links

My Letter to MSNBC

Here is my letter to MSNBC that I emailed earlier today.

To whom it may concern,

I am an avid soccer fan of the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team. I tuned in to MSNBC to watch the game against Germany yesterday. I am absolutely appalled that the only goal in regulation play happened while I was watching a commercial about air fresheners. This is the OLYMPICS! I believe that MSNBC makes enough money to not have to play stupid commercials during a continuous play Olympic sport. If nothing else, do what all the other stations, and in my opinion, at this point, better stations are doing and have the match sponsored and put the little icon in the corner of the screen. I did not tune into your station so I could be sold air fresheners and other inane products. I tuned in to watch a historic match between two teams that in all technicalities should have been the gold medal game. To miss such an important goal in such an important game in the Olympics infuriates me to no end. Instead, you come back from commercial and tell me the U.S. is up one to nothing and do not even show the replay of the goal for another five minutes. I am absolutely disgusted at such horrible coverage of soccer at the Olympics. I only hope that your affiliates at NBC have the common sense not to take a commercial break during such an important game for the Gold medal. It is my wish that MSNBC learn more about the importance of the Olympics and less about irritating ways to make a quick buck.

I think my point was made. (And I didn't even use any curse words!)

Quote of the Day:
"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity." ~Christopher Morley

Monday, August 23, 2004

I Love the Olympics!

Gold Medal here we come!!! Posted by Hello

Today the U.S. Women's soccer team defeated Germany in the semifinal round of the Olympics. The match went into overtime and luckily we came out on top. Thursday we will take on Brazil (whom we've already played and beaten this tourney) for the GOLD medal. I have to say, I become quite emotional when watching the Olympics. I'm not one to be all patriotic or anything, but man, when I hear our national anthem playing while standing on a podium Above all the other athletes, I can't help but feel proud. I've heard critics say, 'well It's not you up there, why do you care so much.' Well, it's not that I am proud of myself, it's being proud for them, for sport, for our country and for dreams. I think if I look into it a bit more, I would probably have to say that I am more proud for the sport. For the competitiveness. To be able to say that you are the best in the world for that sport...That's got to be a great feeling. I can't imagine a more elated moment than that. I've even got a bit teary-eyed for the Iraq soccer team. These guys no longer have to be afraid for their lives if they miss a goal. They are free to compete at whatever level they want. And with that they have made the semifinals of the Olympics. You can't help but be proud of them. Carly Patterson, Paul Hamm, Michael Phelps, the women's 200 meter IM relay, the women's softball team, the soccer team. I've proudly cried at each one of their accomplishments. Hell, I even cried for the first medal given of the Olympics, a Chinese Air Rifle Shooter, Yifu Wang. This old guy was up there on the podium and the longer his anthem played the more tears came to his eyes. Indeed, he was proud of himself and proud to represent his country. And I sat right there with him, crying, proud. Proud for Sport.

I Love the Olympics.

Quote for the Day:
"The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing." ~Jackie Joyner Kersee

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Avoidance in the Bathroom

First of all, let me start out by saying that, Adults are worse than small children! Now, when I say adult let me clarify that this does not include me. Yes, I realize that I am no longer a child and herein the fact that as of August 30, I will be closer to 30 than I have ever been before and that hereby propels me into the classification of being an adult. But not in this case. Back to my point...I went to the restroom here at work, which happens to be a university for the working adult (could have fooled me, I thought I was in Tiny Tots Daycare.) Anyway, as I went to the sink to wash my hands I noticed water...Everywhere! Can somebody please explain to me how water gets outside of the sink??? If you hold your hands under the water and over the sink the water should not stray far from you. I can understand the occasional drip from your hands while reaching for the soap dispenser or even when reaching for a paper towel. These few droplets are acceptable and can be tolerated. However, when approaching the sink, I began to get a completely appalled look on my face. Water was everywhere. Apparently the lower level bathroom at Amberton University has become a Water World for over-exuberant 'adults' that feel the need to splash and flail about aimlessly underneath the gentle, straight-flowing water in the sink in order to acceptably clean their hands from their great adventure of toilet land. It's like the freakin' Hoover Dam let loose and was massively flooding into the sink area. I began to panically look about for some fireman with a hose thinking the place had indeed, like in my dreams, caught on fire and was slowly burning down. Alas, no fireman. No Hoover Dam. Hurricane Harbor has not relocated. Instead, I am left with the thought that these full grown adults can't even accomplish a small task of washing their hands without making a mess of the place. It's like how they can't even push in their chairs when they get up from the table...but I digress.....

Wow, I kinda got on a soap box there. I didn't even get to the whole topic I planned on writing about "Avoidance in the Bathroom". I guess I'll have to save that for tomorrow.

Quote of the Day:
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."