Off The Wall

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Shared Email

Just thought I would share this email with everyone. I was laughing SO hard. I'm sure nobody else will find this funny (one of those had to be there type things) but nonetheless, I'm sharing...

Me: i just went and talked to my mom and we big snort laughed about how you call my blog a blong. i think she even peed a little. LMAO!!!!

Friend: You always pee a little! I CANT SAY IT!!! BLONG!!!

Me: nooooo, my mom peed a little. (and i hope you know that is a figure of speech.) i don't Really pee. snort.....blong....

Friend: Yeah cause I am so dingy I think you actually walk around with piss pants all day! Give me some credit!!! :)

Me: oh god now i think i really might...LMFAO!!

Friend: Please don't, you will smell like a nursing home

Quote of the Day:
"Laughter is nothing else but a sudden glory arising from some sudden conception of some eminency in ourselves, by comparison with the infirmity of others, or with our own formerly."


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