Off The Wall

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Chandler Bing, I am...

“Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.”

“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”

It has come to my attention that when it comes to people knowing what I do for a living, (in reference to ‘Friends”), I am Chandler Bing. Nobody seems to know what I do. The overwhelming theory that I ‘do nothing’ is absolutely wrong. I have been at this job for six and a half years. When I first started working, most of my days were spent doing paperwork, mundane computer updates/programming, long and drawn-out tutorial sessions for students, meetings about how to improve the office, organizing and accurately updating accounts and budgets, book orders, maintaining standing orders with journals, re-organizing and condensing excess information and paperwork that was cluttering the office, thus, sub sequentially hindering any effort to get a grasp on the important information that needed to be dealt with in a timely fashion.

My job hinders on organization, time management, and accuracy of everything I do. When I first came to this job, none of these qualities above were of any relevance to the person who worked before me. I am proud to say that I still work just as much, if not more. (I have assumed many new job responsibilities over the years). The only difference is that I have used my OCD and anal-retentive behavior to work for me. I have streamlined my job into an efficient and functional organizational effort that has not only benefited me, but my co-workers, office, and company. I have turned 30 minute long computer updates into programs that now only require one typed word to do the same function. I have pertinent information (and any other information, for that matter) fully organized and able to find at the drop of a hat. I have good relations with all companies I do business with. I produce and effectively get all the same work done in less than half the time it took when I first started in 1999. I continually research and inform myself, along with the ‘head honchos’ of the work place with new, technological information that can only benefit and help not only the students but the staff with improving everyone’s work.

So, when I have time to ‘play’ on the Internet at work, it’s not cause I don’t have a job to do, or a ‘real job’, or an easy job. It’s cause I’ve put in my time here, and I’ve made my job work for me. And the simple fact that I don’t have to stress about my job anymore and that I have done, and continue to do, an efficient job and feel that I have plenty of job security - lets me sleep better at night.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Green Acres

I found out a rather interesting fact yesterday.

Zsa Zsa Gabor is not the lady in the old t.v. show, Green Acres. It is actually her sister Eva Gabor, who was more of an actress than Zsa Zsa. Turns out that Zsa Zsa was like a Paris Hilton - famous for being famous. And, speaking of Hilton's, Zsa Zsa was married to one of the Hilton's with whom she had her only child with. This makes Zsa Zsa a Great Aunt to Paris.

I don't know why this is interesting to me. I just always thought Zsa Zsa was in Green Acres.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Aww, Mello Yello. My how you have come along all these years... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


In keeping with the Fourth of July theme, I have added a list in which I will title:

Great Things About America:

1. The freedom to criticize our government without being arrested or attaining bodily harm.
2. Pizza Delivery
3. We have The Best National Anthem
4. Title IX
5. Wal-Mart
6. The right to vote
7. Health Care
8. Paul Walker
9. Armed Forces
10. Cable TV