Off The Wall

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Small World After All

It's a small world after's a small world after all... it's a small, small world.

Have you ever dated someone, had it not work out and subsequently completely forgotten about them until you ran across their blog by complete circumstance? Well I did. It's not like me and this guy dated many times or anything. I met him at a friend of mine's wedding. We walked down the aisle together. Yes, typical, I know. It's almost like a written rule. If you're single and you walk down the aisle together at a wedding, you, indeed, are pretty much obliged to go out on a date. Well, the old trick worked. He was in town for a week. We went to dinners, saw a movie, bowling, we even went to Six Flags. (and yes, after coming across his blog, i did go home and search for the little view finder picture that everyone gets at the entrance to Six Flags...and found it.) Why is it that those pictures never turn out to be quite as cute as you thought they were at the time? And, I would be refering to me in the picture, not him. He was cute. Besides, guys never look dorky in pictures. Anywho, once the week was over, he had to go back home (another state) and we kept in touch for a while. Talked on the phone, emailed a time or two. Then, as most long distance relationships (if that's what you want to call it) do, it widdled away and we went on with our lives. To be quite honest, I haven't even remembered our little week long excursion until I came across his blog the other day. Not sure how I even got to it. It's completely amazing how of all the inane and mundane sites across the web that I scour each day, I just happen to come across his weblog.

A friend of mine suggested I might look at this as fate and maybe I should email him. I, however, just think that I spend WAY too much time on the Internet...