Off The Wall

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Boo. The whole second half of my bird story was deleted when i hit publish. So I really just didn't end it there. Maybe tomorrow I can re-finish it. Arggggggg. (yes, like a pirate...)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I've got Jungle Fever!

I have an entire jungle in my ceiling at my new apartments and it is making me sick!!!

Let me clarify. I've moved into a new apartment. This apartment is upstairs and has a sunroom instead of a balcony. While inside the ceiling is flat, the outside of the apartment is vaulted. ( I guess to give that homey feeling while dishing away your money to no escrow.) It seems as if birds (and we all know those are my Favorite animal) have nestled their way somehow into this area between my flat ceiling and the outside vaulted roof. Now, when I first moved in, I could hear an occasional flap, flap, caw (yes, i know, great sound effects) of a bird. Since then, it seems as if an entire jungle has migrated into the ceiling. I began with hearing lots of little birds chirping, therefore i assume that Said Bird #1 had begun a family above my apartment. Then, I began hearing heightened bird chirps...scratch that - bird screams, lots of flapping about and an insane amount of scratching on my ceiling, as though some animal is trying to dig its way to China by means of Apt. #8212's drywall. Then came the discovery outside by the parking lot below my sunroom. Little baby bird eggs that have apparently been bitten into and obviously the baby bird being eaten. **Now I know this is that part where everybody give a good hearty, symapthetic 'Awwwwww' but really people, this was obviously an act by God in an attempt to control the Overwhelmingly massive bird population, that has indeed, crapped atleast once on all of your cars if not, in fact, you yourselves.** So, I am assuming that another fiendish little creature has migrated it's way from the jungle to my apartment in an attempt (quite successfully, I might add) to prey on young birds. What kind of creature is this, you might be asking yourself. Well, I have studied closely the sounds and scratches that are consuming my household at all hours of day and night. (Please note that the conclusion I have come to has been so scientifically and professionally determined by: muting my tv, turning off the fan, and shutting off the ice maker, and standing under my ceiling fan in my sunroom and listening to the sounds for an illogical amount of time. And of course, careful coconsideration for those of you who attempt to try this at home - you must stare at the ceiling whilst listening to the sounds of the jungle. Even though you can't really see anything it helps. No matter if your blinds happen to be open and your neighbors can see you standing in the middle of the room with your head cocked back just staring at your ceiling fan like retarded freak.)

Monday, May 02, 2005

Go MAVS!!!

Dallas Mavericks
Originally uploaded by ricechex1322.

Tonight I am going to game 5 of the Mavs v. Rockets first round series. It's all tied up at 2-2. No team has won at home yet. Hopefully tonight that will change. Should be a great game and I am just so excited to have tickets. It's cool watching it at home and all but just being in the crowd for such an important game will be awesome! GO MAVS!!!!