Off The Wall

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tweezers & Toilets - Not a good combination.

So. The other morning I was in a hurry to get ready. I grabbed my cell phone, (which currently only works as an alarm clock for me in the morning) ran to the bathroom and turned the shower water on. While waiting for the water to get scalding hot, I brush my teeth. Well, seeing as I was in a hurry, I was even more clumsy than usual. I snatched the toothpaste out of my little box thing it sits in, grabbed my toothbrush and with a flip of the wrist i tried to open the toothpaste with one swip on the counter. This attempt failed, so I tried again. This time I did succeed in getting the toothpaste open. But, apparently my hand became so excited about this, it suddenly open and released the toothpaste onto the counter where it proceeded to bounce once, over my cell phone and onto a pair of tweezers sitting adjacent to it. Before I could even clumsly morning blink, or gasp, the next thing I know...they are in the toilet. And yes, I am keenly aware that had my toilet seat been down, this disaster would never have happened. Eyes widened, shoulders sank, head hung and then a quick look at the clock. I realized I could think about what to do while I was in the shower. A whole range of emotions ran through my head. Panic, sadness, embarrassment, anger. Those were the best dang tweezers Ever....In my life!!! I couldn't see them, they had sunk so far in the toilet that I couldn't even see them. Should I stick my hand in the toilet to reprive my beloved tweezers?...hell no, I don't love anything that much. Gross. Should I just flush them? No, they might get caught in the pipes and then next time I flush the toilet paper would catch on them and cause an even bigger problem. Should I call the apartments - do they take care of these kinds of things? Right, Hi, my name is Leanna and my tweezers are in my pot. Can you send someone to come get them out. Right. If they were to let me renew my lease after that, my rent would probably go up and everytime I would leave the office after giving my rent check they would signal to all the newer type people in the office and point and laugh and say, 'Yeah that's Tweezer girl.' Nope, can't have that... My only choice was to remove them myself. I grabbed a trash bag and wrapped it around my arm, very tightly I might add. Well, here goes nothing. I proceeded, after a long hesitation of just staring into the toilet, and submerged my hand into the toilet water. After a seemingly long amount of time and deemingly inappropriate fondeling of my toilet hole, I finally felt the tip of the tweezers. Eureka!! Those suckers had holed up in there soooo far. I tried with the tips of my two longest fingers to grab the end and pull them out. No such luck. (Right, like this would be easy...) After many tries I could not get the tweezers out. So, out of frustration and desperation I shoved my hand in the hole as far as it would go. Suddenly, I felt a quick rush of water up my arm. Crap!! (excuse the pun) The trash bag had broken. Realizing that the tweezers were the object that punched the hole in the bag, I then figured that I better get those things out of there this time cause my hand and arm were Not going back in that toilet. Finally, with a final last stretch of the fingers I got the suckers out of there. Whewww. What a relief.

Now I need a new pair of tweezers - And an insane amout of clean water, soap and antibacterial hand gel.

And now I don't have to be known as tweezer lady at the apartments....just to anyone in the world that reads

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

If you can see your shadow, you probably don't need a flashlight.

Crap. I was just scared by my own shadow. Ya know when you see something out of the corner of your eye and you do a double-take to see what it is? Well, on the first take I didn't see anything (probably because people don't generally look for their shadows...). Then on the second take I could still see something moving and I got that rush of panic...then realized that the only thing I saw moving was myself in the reflection of the glass in the student center.


Insurance is Great!

After checking my insurance online this morning, I have determined that it is Great. The total for my knee surgery was $13400. This was a day surgery. It took 1 hour and 40 minutes to rack up a $13400 bill. Amazing. Can you imagine the bills for people who are admitted into hospitals?? At the time I thought the $1400 that I had to pay was a lot. I am now relieved that this is all I have to pay. Thank goodness for insurance. It's Great!!!

Below is a link on the Presidents views/plans for healthcare in this country. Just in case anyone is interested in the whole goverment views thing...

Monday, February 07, 2005


I want to go skydiving Really bad. It's got to be the ultimate rush. The website below has a Valentine's day new meaning to the term "You are the wind beneath my wings".